Lethe; Classical Mythology. a river in Hades whose water caused forgetfulness in those who drank of it.
Contemporary artists Cameron Longshaw and Bianca Hoffrichter collaborate to develop unfolding new works which explore the use of photographic practice with contemporary wall-based installation. 'En Graine' explores the interrogation of the photographic surface and substance of image-making practices, taking inspiration from the grain which forms the fabric of film images. These material connections are explored in connection with new technologies, contemporary materials through unexpected relationships. These expanded photography works are formed through collaborative experimental practice in exploring the foundations of practice through new revisions.
Eidolon; “a shade, a specter,” from Greek eidolon “appearance, reflection in water or a mirror,” later “mental image, apparition, phantom,” also “material image, statue, image of a god, idol,” from eidos “form, shape”